

Please view our training standards, these links go to external websites.


Australian Lifesaver Training – RTO

Australian Lifesaver Training is a business trading name of International Skills and Education College which is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO ID: 40684). Approved by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) to deliver vocational education and training services across all States and Territories of Australia.
We are widely recognised in the industry as a provider of high quality, nationally recognised qualifications and accredited training with a focus on engaging our participants.
As an RTO we will act in your best interests and meet the Standards for National VET Regulator (NVR) Registered Training Organisations.
You can view our current RTO registration and status by clicking on the view website button below.


Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority

The National Regulations outline the mandatory requirements for services in relation to First Aid qualifications.


Australian Resuscitation Council Guidelines

The Australian Resuscitation Council produces Guidelines to meet its objectives in fostering uniformity and simplicity in resuscitation techniques and terminology.


WHS Policy

Australian Lifesaver Training WHS policy.